Monday, October 26, 2009

Not a girly girl

Sophia got a darling pink and gray skirt and
sweater from her Ganah and Booboo for her birthday.

We attempted to put it on her for go!

That night she said our family prayer...........

First words were..."Please bless that Ganah will take that dress away"

The tele

Emma and the phone are best friends...she talks on it all times of the day...and night.

Last night her other best friend called, Duff picked up at the same time and waited.

"Hey if your parents pick up, I will just hang up"

"Okay" says Emma, "I am going to the kitchen to get a banana"

Duff whispers "don't go to the kitchen.....don't get a banana" he hears a gasp, then a laugh.

Duff sings, "Good night girls....go to bed!"

Duff then reminisces with me when he started talking on the phone...also in the six grade. He said once Dano opened his door late one night, Duff hid the phone under the pillow after his dad leaves, he whispers, "you still there?" Then his dad pages the phone!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our baby is four!!

Sophia turned FOUR on October 3rd

a kiss and a lick of frosting
the ballerina on the rainbow (thanks kjrst)
pajamas, mismatched..the only way

Alex Call gave Sophia a present after her birthday....when she was opening it she said,
"MOM am I five?!"
Then when we picked up the girls she told them that it was her birthday again!

Friday, October 9, 2009

For the beauty of the earth....

Banks Lake...steam boat rock, little piece of heaven
The first star at looks a little like a U.F.O...but it's hard to hold the camera still
How about the other star?

I had forgotten how beautiful the sunset is in the country....can you hear it?? Ahhhhhhh!